Frequently Asked Questions
for Hanukkah-
What is this again?
This is Cards Against Humanity’s Eight Sensible Gifts for Hanukkah, a seasonal promotion that we’ve created to capture your attention and money. We’re sending eight mystery gifts over the month of December.
Can I still sign up?
Sign ups are closed. You blew it.
My neighbors got their gifts, but I haven’t gotten any yet. What’s going on? Should I panic and email you?
No, you should not panic and email us. The gifts will arrive on different days for different people. We cannot possibly overstate that the gifts will arrive on different days for different people, and that you should not panic and email us.
Can I change my address?
No, your fate has been sealed.
But somehow I totally forgot that I’m moving to a new house. I need to change my address.
Set up mail forwarding. If that doesn’t work, email us after January 15th we’ll replace any missing gifts.
I received one gift, but not the rest. Where are the rest?
Still shipping. Mail and weather delays will happen.
I want tracking info on my gifts.
There’s no possible way to provide tracking for 1,200,000 envelopes.
But the gifts are arriving out of order!
That’s normal and fine.
I got this as a gift for someone. Will they know it’s from me?
Your secret is safe with us.
One of my gifts arrived damaged or misprinted.
If you can’t live without it, email us at mail at cardsagainsthumanity dot com and we’ll send you a replacement at the end of January.
What's all this about a puzzle?
We teamed up with The Mystery League to design a puzzle even more ridiculous than last year's. You'll need to collaborate with your fellow subscribers to solve the dang thing. Even if you're not a strong puzzler, there's a place for you – it's a huge, collaborative game. Join in at
What’s so important that you can’t call your mother?
Always with the nagging!
If you insist on pestering us, our email is mail at cardsagainsthumanity dot com. Include your order number, shipping address, and any other relevant information.